Aquaplanet 63 spreads the values of
maritime culture and highlights

the importance of

protecting the natural ecosystem.

See more information on Aquaplanet 63.

Aquaplanet 63

Welcome to Aquaplanet 63, an aquarium that exceeds your every expectation!

Visit a new aquarium where you can enjoy various marine organisms, fantastic live jazz performances, and magical aqua performances.

63빌딩 전경사진

Aquaplanet 63

It turns out that the wormhole is a secret path leading to aqua planet !

Through this secret path, we can cross time and space to explore every corner of this watery world.

The aqua planet Galaxy, stretching across a valley and waterfalls, is gome to a rich variety of sea creatures that live on the Golden Miracle.

Experience aqua planet 63 – ‘More natural than Nature!



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The brand “signature” refers to the coupling of the symbol and logo in accordance with all designated standards in the optimized ratio. Use the appropriate signature in consideration of the layout of the applied space and applied media and follow the designated principles regarding the coupling method.

Basic left-right combination

한화 아쿠아플라넷 63 로고 좌우조합형 기본형

Basic top-bottom combination

한화 아쿠아플라넷 63 로고 상하조합형 기본형

Minimum use regulation

한화 아쿠아플라넷 63 로고 최소 사용규정

Mission & Values

Aquaplanet 63

purposes to share the value of marine animal conservation and to provide visitors with fun and enjoyable experiences

that emphasize the coexistence of humans and nature.


Aqua Planet shares various shapes and forms of the marine ecosystem that people cannot easily access in their daily lives in order to share the "value of maritime culture”and to increase public awareness of“ecosystem conservation.”

Aqua Planet Yeosu strives to pay back customers for their kindness by continuously providing fresh and touching programs. Visit“Aqua Planet 63”to experience the magnificent ocean and to learn more about the importance of conservation!

  • Future Management

    Be the First

    Creative pioneership

  • People Management

    Be the Best

    Satisfy the senses

  • Future Management

    Be the Special

    Embrace nature together

Environment Management

What is Environment Management?

Environment management refers to the introduction of the environment as a core concept into existing management. It is a management philosophy in which environment management becomes the principle of corporate management and environmentally healthy and sustainable development is promoted while minimizing the negative effects of corporate activity on the environment.

Environment management principles at the Aqua Planet 63 ,Environment management agreements
Aqua Planet 63 Environment Management Policy Environment management agreements
  • Effectively use resources and energy
  • Minimize any negative effects on the environment, safety, & health (ESH) and minimize pollution
  • Continually improve ESH work environment and performance management
  • Make safety/sanitary principles part of daily life and wear protective gear
  • Minimize pollution and make the 3Rs (reuse, reduce and recycle) a part of daily life
  • Reinforce ESH training
  • Encourage activities to rescue and protect animals and preserve habitats
  • Registered as an Ex-Situ Conservation Institution by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (2011)
  • Signed an aquarium fish R&D agreement with the National Institute of Fisheries Science (2009)
  • Joined the Korean Association of Zoos and Aquariums (KAZA) (2007)

Voluntary Environment Management Activities

Cleaning of natural habitats near the Han River

Contributed to the local community by cleaning the natural habitats near the Han River (started in 2017)

  • CLEAN 한화 63문화사업본부 단체사진
  • 환경정화 작업 사진
  • 환경정화 작업 사진2

Ex Situ Conservation Support Project

Purification activities of natural habitats around the Han River - Research on marine life under protection; research on improvement and restoration of habitats for breeding, renewal and transplantation technology

  • Purification activities of natural habitats around the Han River
  • Purification activities of natural habitats around the Han River2
  • 쓰래기 수거해둔 사진